As if you should explain it to a child: why have you started dancing?
For fun! Because dance is a beautiful game made of many people!
According to your personal experience, a border is:
A forcing of power and mind.
The border is a political concept that generates pain.
Four dancers inhabit the rooms of the Spazzapan Gallery in Gradisca d'Isonzo and interact with the artworks and with the urban environment. A site-specific performance in an evocative place that is not usually catered to shows: where did this idea come from and why?
We love to integrate the body into space, to make it a work of art itself, to take dance to its impromptu side. Dance happens between bodies, escapes between works of art, it takes refuge in the eye of the spectator. The Spazzapan Gallery, which is currently under renovation, is such a fertile place that it manages to expand and be an open-air museum.
The most interesting thing you have noticed in this kind of experimentation?
The space modifies our writing, the beauty of the audience regenerates us.
Describe your show in three words:
Single, double, quadruple.
Tell me why I should come and see it:
We are dancing just for you.