11 october 2023

La casa del panda
TPO / Francesco Gandi, Daniele Del Bandecca,
Martina Gregori

Wednesday 11 october 2023, 11.00 AM
Gorizia, Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž

TPO / Francesco Gandi, Daniele Del Bandecca, Martina Gregori

La casa del panda

by Francesco Gandi, Daniele Del Bandecca, Martina Gregori       
with Daniele Del Bandecca, Sara Campinoti
music Spartaco Cortesi
visual design Elsa Mersi
computer engineering Rossano Monti
costumes Chiara Lanzillotta
co-production TPO, Tong Production, Teatro Metastasio of Prato
Age 4+
Duration: 50’

With dancing steps, following the footprints of a panda, we will come across bamboo forests, monsters, fireworks, kites.
In an imaginary journey, we will venture into China’s landscapes made of nature, ancient culture, traditions, and songs.
In a simple and intuitive way, we will understand the theory of the 'Five Elements' (WU XING), where each element transforms and generates the next: wood, fire, earth, metal, water.
The images and sounds on stage will draw the young audience into colourful and interactive environments through group games with the dancers, offering a truly unique and immersive experience.

In TPO’s visual, emotional, and tactile theatre (Prato - Italy), the dancers and the audience share the stage and explore new forms of expression beyond language and cultural barriers. Thanks to the special use of digital-design, the performances turn into “sensitive environments'” where the thin border between art and play can be experienced. Each creation is a scenic machine designed to interact with the moving body, be it a dancer or a group of children. Panda’s Home has received acclaim in Italy, Spain and China.


Have you been to Gorizia before? If you haven’t, one thing that you dream of finding
No, never been before. I hope to find a beautiful audience and children happy to come and see us.

According to your personal experience, a border is
A border is a limit that can we crossed.

Tell us as if you should explain it to a child: why have you started dancing?
I started dancing late in my life, when I was 21. Dance has been my way out. I started doing it when I was about to graduate in biology and I realized how happy I was every time I went to dance classes – so after graduating I made my choice.

A piece of advice to a starting company
At the beginning you need to be very patient and most of all you need to be brave, go ahead and believe in your projects also when they slam the door in your face.

“Panda’s House” puts on stage images and sounds, it creates sensitive, colourful and interactive environments for an immersive experience. With this work, what do you want to convey/tell the audience?
The most important thing for us is to keep the children (and adults) engaged with their eyes glued to the scene. Sometimes we also work with very young children and the challenge is even greater.

Tell us why we should come and see it
The house of the panda is a show to see!!! Discover the 5 elements of the Chinese culture, fight monsters, see rabbits on the moon and much more. Only with your help the protagonist can find their Panda!!!

Show by reservation: Tel. 327 0575206 (also Whats app)

A project by:

In partnership with:
SNG Teatro Nazionale Sloveno di Nova Gorica

With the support of:
Ministero della Cultura / Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia / Io sono FVG
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia

In collaboration with:
Comune di Gorizia / Comune di Cormons / Comune di Gradisca d’Isonzo / ERPAC / APT / Ente Regionale Teatrale del FVG / Fondazione Palazzo Coronini Cronberg onlus Goriški Muzej / Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia Gorizia Kulturni Dom Gorica / Kulturni Center Lojze Bratuž Palazzo del Cinema-Hiša Filma di Gorizia / PAN ADRIA network / TIARE Shopping

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