Have you been to Gorizia before? If you have, one thing that surprised you. If you haven’t, one thing that you dream of finding.
Unfortunately, we’ve never been to Gorizia before. We’d like to find a place where we can find different points of view, with artists who express their world in a personal way and not following something pre-established.
According to your personal experience, a border is
The border too often runs the risk of becoming something that separates and encloses us in a small, self-centered world. On the contrary, we believe that art, in general, can make use of the border to discover who we really are, to discover our culture, and thus to make room for encounters that start from a conscious identity and open up to the sharing and the discovery of new worlds, new possibilities. The border is an opportunity.
If you had to explain it to a child: why have you started dancing?
Maybe because sometimes it is impossible to use words to explain something about yourself, something that even you cannot understand. Movement gives you the possibility to express this feeling, to play with it, without having necessarily to define it.
And it is fun, you can use your imagination and be free to create new worlds: you can become a soldier, a mountain, a magician, you can even fly... when you dance anything is possible!
A piece of advice to a starting company
Study and work hard to try and build a balance in one’s own language, and at the same time to be able to wear an armour to overcome difficulties, criticism, and to remain true to oneself, regardless of the fact that you cannot please everyone.
Your works are born in dialogue with different languages, spanning between dance, theatre and visual arts. With this performance, what do you want to convey/tell the audience?
We ourselves are discovering the effect that our work has on the audience. We start with very concrete and rather complex themes, which look at science or myth, but they are only a starting point from where we develop a new world through our imagination and through the creative process that is activated. The result actually conveys very different feelings and emotions to the audience, which sometimes surprisingly have to do with those very initial concepts from which we started. Other times, on the other hand, it is about feelings that refer to a very personal experience. And for us it is crucial to leave this space to the audience. We try to create feelings that we can let go of, so that everyone can experience this journey in a very personal way.
Tell us why we should come and see it
For us, each performance is a journey that is completed in the encounter with the audience. From this moment, the journey continues in the audience, in their imagination and experience. The spectator feeds on different moments and transforms them, plays with them, transporting them to unknown places. We believe that this is the meaning of a performance: to create it only to give it away to the audience, individually, to each one of the viewers.