Have you been to Gorizia before?
If yes: one thing you look forward to doing again
If not: one thing you hope to find
When I was still a dancer with the Aterballetto company we had a show in Gorizia. Fast forward several years, my choreography of Decisione Consapevole will be staged in October at the city theatre of Cormons, and I hope that my works will soon be performed for the audience of Gorizia, so that I can go back and see again a city of which I have such fond memories.
If you could give a piece of advice to yourself as a child, what would it be?
I would tell him: be strong, don’t care, go on, do what you love.
If you had the power to change the world you live in, what would you start with?
I would invite the inhabitants of a planet that is not as rotten as ours to visit our schools and teach our children to live in full respect of the nature in which we live in and of our fellow human beings. As if to say: at school with the aliens.
How did you first come across dance?
I loved hip hop in all its forms, the music, the dance, the outfits…. I dreamed of becoming as good as the dancers I saw in the videos of American singers or in films. In the end, I never studied hip hop, as I was immediately drawn to contemporary dance, but I owe my discovery of dance and my career to that first love.
Complete the sentences with only one word:
Dance can: live
Dance is: a cure
Dance will be: eternal
What was the spark that originated the idea for your performance?
In my performance “Decisione Consapevole”, the intention was to transform an exercise of movement in space into a choreographic work. I identified four keywords: Intimacy, Communication, Community, and Isolation which I used to create a conceptual map to guide improvisation sessions during my workshops. Then came the desire to turn everything into a performance, working with four dancers on the same four words.
And now, tell me why I should come and see your performance:
Decisione Consapevole is a pleasant, flowing show full of references to everyday life. It is suitable for audiences of all ages, the dancers are great, and the music is engaging. I believe it is a show that can really bring people together, so I recommend not to miss it.