After last year’s success, Valerio Longo, deputy artistic director of the Balletto di Roma and author for the company of the pieces Astor and The Little Flower King, is once again hosting the Visavì Workshop.
Longo’s workshop at Visavì Gorizia Dance Festival is not only a valuable training opportunity, but it also counts as an audition for the Professional Training Course (CAP) of Balletto di Roma.
Valerio Longo, dancer, choreographer and trainer, joined the Aterballetto company in 2001, where he performed the main roles of the company’s entire repertoire. Parallel to his activity as a dancer, in 2004 he started his own choreographic research, creating works for important Italian and international companies. He collaborates with the Reggio Children Foundation (RE) as a representative of the movement area. Since 2020, he has been deputy artistic director of Balletto di Roma and coordinator of CAP - Corso di Avviamento Professionale, a training course created within the same Rome-based company.