Have you been to Gorizia before? If you have, one thing that surprised you:
It seemed that there was a closer contact between the city and the citizens and at the same time a very strange geography, a gateway towards other horizons.
According to your personal experience, a border is:
A mental limit, a protection against what is foreign in a more or less concrete form.
Tell us as if you should explain it to a child: why have you started dancing?
Because I wanted to feel the music in my body and the music of my body.
A piece of advice to a starting company:
Listen to the audience, keep your identity and always put your convictions on the line.
A show that will be performed three times in three different locations during the festival. It is a new and innovative version of the Rite of the Spring that changes each time, depending on the venue and the audience’s intervention. With this piece, what do you most want to convey/tell the audience?
The responsibility of a more or less direct human community on the fate of seemingly unrelated persons.
Tell us why we should come and see it:
Your presence determines the unique and irreplicable outcome of the show.