“The Little Flower King” explores a form of contamination between the languages of dance, shadow theatre and music, a project around which two historic structures of theatre and dance have come together: Balletto di Roma and Teatro Gioco Vita. With this work, what do you want to convey/tell the audience?
After having known both these art and production environments, I am certain that the desire is to entertain with images and movement, but also to whisper thoughts on timeless human themes and values, such as the search for happiness, which is often sought far away in other places and dimensions, without realizing that it is right before our eyes or it has long been living next door, just like in the Little Flower King.
If you had to describe your show in 3 words
Colourful, exciting, contemplative.
Tell us why we should come and see it
Coming to see the show is definitely a good way to have topics to start conversations and thoughts with the little ones.
According to your personal experience, a border is
An idea more than often doesn’t match reality!
Tell us as if you should explain it to a child: why have you started dancing?
I have no doubt on my answer! I’ll invite them to dance and move and the answer will come by itself.
Tell us why we should come and see it
To discover and to discover themselves!